
Initial Setup

  • Click the stream tools dropdown and select settings.
  • Click the "Login to twitch" button in the top left
  • While still in the settings page enable/disable and change any of the chat messages
  • Click save to make sure your settings are saved.
  • settings


  • By default, there will always be a section labeled "Default".
  • This "Default" section is used if a cheer doesn't include a message or if the message doesn't match any other section's keyword.
  • Click the "Add Section" button to create a new section.
  • Enter a keyword (e.g., "zap") for the new section.
  • Add all the shockers you want this keyword to activate.
  • Select the action (Type Selector dropdown) that you want this keyword to trigger.
  • Click the "Add Bracket" button to create a new bit bracket.
  • Set the bit amount for the bracket.
  • If you have 2 brackets, one with a bit amount of 100 and another with a bit amount of 200, donations between 100-199 bits will round down to 100.
  • Set the intensity and duration of the shock for the bracket.
  • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
  • Select the mode for this bracket:

    "All" will activate all shockers in the section.

    "Random" will activate a random shocker.

    "Round-Robin" will activate the next shocker in line for each activation.


    Redeems will be automatically loaded if you are logged in and have them on your account

  • Enable whichever redeems you want
  • Select the shockers
  • select the action type (Type Selector dropdown)
  • Select the intensity and duration of the action
  • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
  • Select the mode for this redeems:

    "All" will activate all shockers in the section.

    "Random" will activate a random shocker.

    "Round-Robin" will activate the next shocker in line for each activation.

  • settings


  • Click the stream tools dropdown and select "Subs & Gifted Subs".
  • Enable each tier of subs you want.
  • Select the shockers for each tier.
  • Select the type you want to use (incremental or brackets).
  • Incremental:
    • Set the base and maximum intensity.
    • Specify how much intensity increases per gifted sub of that tier.
    • Set the base and maximum duration.
    • Specify how much duration increases per gifted sub of that tier.
    • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
    • Select the mode for the tier:
      1. "All" will activate all shockers in the section.
      2. "Random" will activate a random shocker.
      3. "Round-Robin" will activate the next shocker in line for each activation.
    • Select the action type (Type Selector dropdown).
  • Brackets: Refer to the "Cheers" section. Brackets here work similarly.
  • At the top of the page, you can select if subs should be handled as cheers. If selected, a tier 1 sub is 250 bits, tier 2 is 500, and tier 3 is 1250.

Hype Train

  • Click the stream tools dropdown and select "Hype Train".
  • On New Level:
    • Enable this option to trigger a shock with each new level of the hype train.
    • Select the shockers you want to activate for each level.
    • Select the activation type (incremental or normal).
    • Incremental: Intensity and duration increase with each level similar to incremental subs.
      • Set the base and maximum intensity.
      • Specify the intensity increment per level of the hype train.
      • Set the base and maximum duration.
      • Specify the duration increment per level of the hype train.
      • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
      • Select the activation mode:
        1. "All" activates all shockers in this section.
        2. "Random" activates a random shocker.
        3. "Round-Robin" activates shockers sequentially for each activation.
      • Select the action type (Type Selector dropdown).
    • Normal: Activates at a set intensity and duration for each level.
      • Set the intensity and duration.
      • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
      • Select the activation mode:
        1. "All" activates all shockers in this section.
        2. "Random" activates a random shocker.
        3. "Round-Robin" activates shockers sequentially for each activation.
      • Select the action type (Type Selector dropdown).
  • On Train End:
    • Enable this option to trigger a shock when the hype train ends.
    • Select the shockers you want to activate.
    • Set the base and maximum intensity.
    • Set the duration per level.
    • Specify the intensity increment per level.
    • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
    • Select the activation mode:
      1. "All" activates all shockers in this section.
      2. "Random" activates a random shocker.
      3. "Round-Robin" activates shockers sequentially for each activation.
    • Select the action type (Type Selector dropdown).


  • Select the shockers you want this to trigger.
  • Select the intensity and duration
  • If you want a warning vibration before the shock, enable the "Warn" toggle.
  • Select the mode for the tier:
    1. "All" will activate all shockers in the section.
    2. "Random" will activate a random shocker.
    3. "Round-Robin" will activate the next shocker in line for each activation.
  • Select the action type (Type Selector dropdown).