
Download marked as a virus


  • Download the EXE from Here
  • Run the EXE
  • Click Settings button in the GUI
  • Go to the PiShock Account Page
  • Get Your username and api key and enter them in the first 2 fields of the config window
  • select the monitor you want the application to check (i highly suggest not selecting all as it will massively impact performance)
  • Click the Create HTTP Shocker button
  • Go to Shocker Control Page, Click share on a shocker, Click CODE, Then copy the code and paste it in the Share Code input for the shocker
  • Finally click save and you're done!

Creating a module

I really dont wanna write out a tutorial for this so uhh just watch the video and dm me any questions thx <3

Setup For OBS

  • Create browser source in OBS
  • Set width to 200 and height to 600 (or whatever you want)
  • Set the URL to http://localhost:5142/#/?obs=true
  • Set the Custom CSS to the text below
#main-app { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; }